
prepares the Isospin and Color symmetry generators for the model named 'modelName' with the heavy field content 'fldlst'. loopOutput can only be run after this step is done


  • Options and their default values for initializeLoop:
  • printInfoTruePrints a cell redirecting the user to the page CoDExParafernalia
    kernelsAllNumber of Parallel Kernels to open for parallel evaluation
    cellDeleteTrueRemoves previous cells printed by the option printInfo
  • In the first argument, you provide a name of the model as a string. This will be used to uniquely define the symmetry generators.

    In the second argument, you provide list of heavy field definitions. The symmetry generators are defined using the information about the Isospin and Color charges for each heavy field from the list of field definitions.

    We have provided Isospin symmetry generators for Isospin quantum number from 1 to 4. For heavy fields with Isospin more than that, you have to define them yourself (you will be prompted to do so in such a case).

    Color symmetry generators are provided for Color quantum number 1 and 3. For the unlikely case of heavy fields with color charge 6 or more than that, you have to define them yourself (you will be prompted to do so in such a case).

ExamplesExamplesopen allclose all

Basic Examples  (2)Basic Examples  (2)

Load the package

Click for copyable input

Provide the field list in the format specified in 'BuildLagrangian'.

Click for copyable input

This launches the default number of parallel kernels, generates the Isospin and Color symmetry generators in array format, prompts the user to go to the guide page titled 'CoDExParafernalia', and echoes the values of the generators for each heavy field

Click for copyable input
Check the documentation page CoDExParafernalia for details.

Running the following arrays will give the correct forms for the generators to be used by CoDEx while running loopOutput or codexOutput.

Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input
Click for copyable input

This does the same thing as above, without generating the prompt to the guide page.

Click for copyable input
  • Note! (Remember, you need to restart the kernel and load CoDEx again before running initializeLoop with identical arguments. Running initializeLoop for different models/field lists (i.e. different arguments) can be done without reloading the package, though.)
  • In[1]:=
    Click for copyable input
    Click for copyable input

    This again does the same thing as above, only while launching 3 parallel kernels for evaluation.

    Click for copyable input
    Check the documentation page CoDExParafernalia for details.

    If you set dimensions of the symmetry generators higher than those provided by CoDEx, you'll be prompted to define them yourself.

    Click for copyable input
    Click for copyable input
    Click for copyable input

    If you set wrong dimensions of the color symmetry generators (less than 6), CoDEx will let you know of that.

    Click for copyable input
    Click for copyable input
    Click for copyable input